Easily bored, incessantly curious. Self-subscribed Left Libertarian, wannabe political philosopher. Ex macro hedge fund monkey summoned by the crypto god.
System Architect
Built Maverick’s investment system on crypto & equity.
1st Principle Thinker, BS Destroyer
Leaves no assumption unchecked. Nothing to fear in truth.
Superpower: high-conviction introversion.
Inner peace, rarely needing external validation.

Simiao Li
Founder & CIO

Asa Li
Research Lead
His education sits at the weird intersection between politics and computers, i.e. done a blockchain major before it formally exists.
Tech stack explorer
Spent 100h figuring out why exactly Solana breaks down.
Victim of grand dreams
Still thinks Terra was super exciting.
Extrovert and explainer
Vying to draw some of the best viz in crypto.

Colin Huang
Trading Lead
He followed the common path of getting an engineering degree and working in corpo- rates, but quickly went off trail.
Asymmetric Risk Seeker
Thinks in probabilities, loves risk, but only calculated ones.
“Draw A Line” Trader
Can trade anything with candlesticks lol.
Not a fan of pico top
Immune to FOMOing.

Research Nomad
We were steeped in academia learning three assembly languages & studying paleography until the pandemic intruded and a friend called on a Friday night.
We are gamers
Spicing up the vibe with our home-brewed space invader.
We are Skeptics
Intellectually restless, solitude over enforced camaraderie.
We are Homo Appetitus
No yummies then we are hangry.